Daily rates
The prices don’t include tourist tax. The TAX is 780,- HUF / person / night, which has to be paid on the recepcion for persons over 18 years of age.
Room / night / breakfast | Daily price / night |
Double room for 2 persons | 40.000,- HUF + TAX |
Honeymoon Suite for 2 persons | 40.000,- HUF + TAX |
Double room for 1 persons | 28.000,- HUF + TAX |
Extra bed for adult in double room | 15.000,- HUF / person + TAX |
Family Suite (for 1 till 4 persons) | 60.000,- HUF + TAX |
Luxury apartman (for 1 or 2 persons) | 50.000,- HUF + TAX |
Extra bed for adult in luxus apartman | 15.000,- HUF / person + TAX |
Children in room of the parents age of 0 -14 | 1.000,- HUF / person by age |
Pets only in pet friendly rooms (Bodri rooms) | 5.000,- HUF / pet / day |
Parking in the guesthouse parking lot Reservations are required for pariking | 3.000,- HUF / day |
Parking in the “Nagyparkoló” (ca. 50M facing the house) | 400,- HUF/ hour |
Local tax (TAX) in 2020 above 18 years of age | 680,- HUF/ person / night |
Caution deposit which is to be paid only once, and will be repaid to you when you leave. | 5.000,- HUF |
Rooms are taken up on arrival day from 14:00 pm. Furthermore must be left on the day of departure to 10:00 am. If you want to stay to 14:00 pm. on the day of departure it’s cost 5.000,- HUF more, if the room is Family Suit or Luxury Apartman it’s cost 8.400,-HUF more. After 14:00 pm you must to pay the full price of the room.
The prices includes:
Our prices are in Hungarian Forints (HUF) and included the Value Added Tax (VAT).
Our prices just for information purposes. Please ask personalized prices.
We reserve the right to change our prices.
Alternative payments:
Our Guesthouse is open in all the year, our reception is open every day from 08:00 am to 20:00 pm.
We accept just the written reservation ( letter, e-mail, FAX), what we confirm back to you.
The cancellation of booking is free, so please let us know about your absence.
Surprise your loved ones, family members or friends with one personalized gift card.
Please contact us if you have any further questions and ask about our regular guest programs, or our discounts.
Please fill all the fields carefully! If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
The prices below are per room, per night and include breakfast.
Our prices are valid until 31.12.2025.
The following special periods are excluded:
High season: 01. July 2025 – 31. August
17. April 2025 – 21. – Easter
30. April 2025 – 04. May – 1. May
06. June 2025 – 09. June – Pentecost
Our DAILY PRICES apply to these periods!
The prices don’t include tourist tax. The TAX is 780,- HUF / person / night, which has to be paid on the recepcion for persons over 18 years of age.
Room / night / breakfast | Daily price / night |
Double room for 2 persons | 36.000,- HUF + TAX |
Honeymoon Suite for 2 persons | 36.000,- HUF + TAX |
Double room for 1 persons | 25.000,- HUF + TAX |
Extra bed for adult in double room | 15.000,- HUF / person + TAX |
Family Suite (for 1 till 4 persons) | 54.000,- HUF + TAX |
Luxury apartman (for 1 or 2 persons) | 45.000,- HUF + TAX |
Extra bed for adult in luxus apartman | 15.000,- HUF / person + TAX |
Children in room of the parents age of 0 -14 | 1.000,- HUF / person by age |
Pets only in pet friendly rooms (Bodri rooms) | 5.000,- HUF / pet / day |
Parking in the guesthouse parking lot Reservations are required for pariking | 3.000,- HUF / day |
Parking in the “Nagyparkoló” (ca. 50M facing the house) | 400,- HUF/ hour |
Local tax (TAX) in 2020 above 18 years of age | 780,- HUF/ person / night |
Caution deposit which is to be paid only once, and will be repaid to you when you leave. | 5.000,- HUF |
The prices below are per room, per night and include breakfast.
Our prices are valid until 31.12.2025.
The following special periods are exceptions:
High season 01. July 2025 – 31. August
17. April 2025 – 21. – Easter
30. April 2025 – 04. May – 1. May
06. June 2025 – 09. June – Pentecost
Our DAILY PRICES apply to these periods!
The prices don’t include tourist tax. The TAX is 780,- HUF / person / night, which has to be paid on the recepcion for persons over 18 years of age.
Room / night / breakfast | Daily price / night |
Double room for 2 persons | 32.000,- HUF + TAX |
Honeymoon Suite for 2 persons | 32.000,- HUF + TAX |
Double room for 1 persons | 23.000,- HUF + TAX |
Extra bed for adult in double room | 15.000,- HUF / person + TAX |
Family Suite (for 1 till 4 persons) | 48.000,- HUF + TAX |
Luxury apartman (for 1 or 2 persons) | 40.000,- HUF + TAX |
Extra bed for adult in luxus apartman | 15.000,- HUF / person + TAX |
Children in room of the parents age of 0 -14 | 1.000,- HUF / person by age |
Pets only in pet friendly rooms (Bodri rooms) | 5.000,- HUF / pet / day |
Parking in the guesthouse parking lot Reservations are required for pariking | 3.000,- HUF / day |
Parking in the “Nagyparkoló” (ca. 50M facing the house) | 400,- HUF/ hour |
Local tax (TAX) in 2020 above 18 years of age | 780,- HUF/ person / night |
Caution deposit which is to be paid only once, and will be repaid to you when you leave. | 5.000,- HUF |
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